Tag Archives: Trails of Cold Steel III

The Fourth Anguis

Sen no Kiseki IV‘s collectable book series is called Three and Nine. It’s partially foreshadowing and world-building Calvard, it’s also partially filling in the blanks on aspects the main game couldn’t address. I tweeted that I found it the most fascinating book since Carnelia and here is why: I think it details the Fourth Anguis.

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Floofy’s Sen no Kiseki IV Predictions

As per tradition, we’re all dropping in our predictions, our wishes, etc etc for what will come about with the undoubtedly epic ending to the long-running Erebonia arc.

Remember, these are, of course, going to be delving into not only Sen III spoilers, but probably series spoilers due to the nature of this particular game.

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[User Submitted Question] About Gaius’ First Appearance in Sen3…

Submitted by xsweetkyandi, answered by omgfloofy

This is something that has been bugging me for awhile now, and due to my very limited knowledge of Japanese (specifically writing, I can understand a decent amount verbally)…I never actually found out if the game explained this one scene or not;

Hello! This is an interesting question that was submitted, especially because while discussing stuff on this exactly with Yotaka, I had logged into the site and found it. Let me see what I can come up with from it.

WARNING: There are major spoilers for Sen no Kiseki III in this post behind the cut!

Continue reading [User Submitted Question] About Gaius’ First Appearance in Sen3…