This is going to be another short(er) theory that I want to get out before Kuro potentially upends all our assumptions… again. In it, I propose how McBurn came to Zemuria and how this relates to one of the most significant events of the backstory.

This is going to be another short(er) theory that I want to get out before Kuro potentially upends all our assumptions… again. In it, I propose how McBurn came to Zemuria and how this relates to one of the most significant events of the backstory.
A quick prediction for the probable antagonists of Kuro no Kiseki.
September 26 edit: This theory has been at least partially broken by subsequently released information.
Continue reading Kuro cracklet: the garden of ‘A’The meaning behind the imagery on the Master Arts cards from Ao no Kiseki has been a topic of discussion for almost a decade now, which has spun into a number of theories about the Sept-Terrion, Holy Beasts, etc. Trails of Cold Steel IV killed some of these, but there are still a few areas that haven’t been considered in much detail. In this theory, I want to expand upon and modify my Reddit post analyzing the flower imagery on each of the cards based on new observations.
Continue reading In Bloom: the Master Cards’ flowersThroughout the games, there have repeatedly been various indications and eventually, undoubtable proof that the Septian Church has been around since long before it’s supposed first appearance at the end of the Dark Ages. This theory shows the various evidence for such and then speculates the about the event which caused the disappearance and possibly almost destroyed the Septian Church.
Continuing from my last theory, “Defective Gods”, this time I look at the abstract nature of the higher elements. Previously I argued that the lower elements correlate to the metaphysical components of man. Here, I build on that to argue that the higher elements should correspond to “beyond man”, namely God, which I then use to define the would-be Sept-Terrion of Time, the Unbound.
With four of the seven Sept-Terrion revealed, some patterns have started to emerge and I thought I would take a crack at determining each of the seven’s roles and how they differ to one another from an elemental perspective. This will also be a summary of what we can learn from the existing Sept-Terrion and how we can use them to work out the function and basis for the remaining three. Furthermore, we are told that each of the seven tribes were gifted by Aidos based on the aspects of each treasure that best fit their entire civilization, and I wanted to have a crack at working out what each them did and the philosophies that drove those civilizations.
Continue reading Seven Elements, Ideals and the Tribes that Strive for Them
Note: This theory is based on a conversation I had with Latte in the Falcom Discord server and the idea that the four lower elements are based on tarot alchemy is his.
1200 years ago a single event shook all of Zemuria leading to the loss of the Goddess’s Treasures and a collapse of their advanced civilizations. In all known cases, immediately after the Great Collapse, the Tribes lost control their respective Sept-Terrion. Here, I show the connection between Tarot Alchemy and Erebonia’s Treasures and then use that connection to argue why they lost control of them, which I then use to make a prediction on how the remaining tribes of the lower elements lost control of theirs. Continue reading Defective Gods
In the wake of Sen no Kiseki IV’s shocking revelation about the objectives of Ouroboros, Shirofan crafts a new theory regarding the Orpheus Final Plan, connecting the imagery of the Society’s Grandmaster to the Gate of Gehenna.
In my last theory, The Eyes of Ra, I focused mostly on connecting the Arc en Ciel play from Zero no Kiseki to the potential Sept-Terrion(s) of Calvard, and at the end, I briefly brought up that Calvard comes from the latin calvor meaning “to deceive” making Calvard the “Land of Lies”. Hell, even the emblem, a leaf blocking the sun, could be a metaphor for obscuring the truth. This theory reviews the connection between the name of each country and the themes of the stories told in them while making a set of predictions for the Calvard arc based on this link.
With the first cold steel game releasing on PS4, and with II&III following later this year in English I thought I’d share my little theory before I find some side dialogue in the last two Erebonia games when they come out in English that’ll completely destroy it. I’ve never actually written a full theory before so bear with me. This theory involves Rean’s memories before he was adopted along with the possibility of them being relevant in the future, with spoilers from all four Erebonia games. Continue reading Gone but not totally forgotten