Tag Archives: Trails of Cold Steel III

To Trust a Dominion

Over the course of the series, we’ve seen- even to the ones that have good qualities without a doubt- that the Dominion are not very likely to tell the whole truth in many situations.

So when we’re given information from one that seems to have issues with it, why do we accept it without question?

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[Submitted Question] About those Orange Butterflies

Submitted Question: […] there wasn’t a solid explanation for [the orange butterflies], which is bugging me. Do you have any ideas on what they could’ve meant?

The question in full can be seen below the cut, as well as an answer.

Continue reading [Submitted Question] About those Orange Butterflies

Awaken Aurum: Alternative

Almost ten months have passed since the long-awaited Sen no Kiseki III hit Japanese shelves, but I have yet to formulate my theory based on the conundrum everyone immediately addresses — other than the one whether ‘he’ survived. Unconvinced by any of the theories so far, including my own, I will share my thoughts on the matter. Continue reading Awaken Aurum: Alternative