[Admin] Site Changelog and Projects Page Made Public

Hello, everyone!

Instead of working on the several crack posts that I have to finish, I ended up doing some work on the backend of the website.

I made an attempt to create the exclusionary filter that I’ve been promising for over a year, but the on site experiments for it have failed. As a result, it’s time to go back to the drawing board and try to figure things out again.

But this is also a good jumping point to introduce a page for the site that I’ve been working on since it migrated to esterior.net. This page is where any projects that I am working on for the site will be publicly posted, such as the exclusionary filter that I mentioned above. On this page, you can also see the changelog based on any major updates that have happened on the backend, as well.

If a project comes up that requires funding, the possibility may be opened for regular readers of the site to be able to pitch in directly to funding that feature, and then they will receive credit on the page when the feature goes live.

You can find the page here, or in the dropdown for ‘about this site.’

Erebonia’s Black History, Volume 2

In Erebonia, the present continues to be haunted by the past. Shocking events repeat themselves beyond memories of citizens. The Black Records records these forgotten moments of history. In addition to the previously published five volumes in Trails of Cold Steel II, Sen no Kiseki III introduces seven more, each intriguing in its own way.

Continue reading Erebonia’s Black History, Volume 2

Dreichels Once Again

Unlike my Wald prediction, this one should be short and sweet, but I feel it is necessary to post it so that I have it time stamped before Sen no Kiseki III comes out this week.

I believe that we’ll see a repeat of the chain of events for Dreichels in a strangely similar fashion, as time seems to be interested in repeating itself.

But while similar events are happening, they are not exactly the same. Click the cut to find out more detail on this idea.

Continue reading Dreichels Once Again

Wald Wales: Beyond Ao no Kiseki

This started from something I was 100% convinced to be complete lunacy. It was to the point that I wasn’t entirely willing to even bring it up to anyone because of how ridiculous it sounded. However, I eventually talked it out with Guan, and in our attempts to break the theory, we kept finding more things to even add to it.

It was frustrating!

However, at this point, with everything else in mind, I feel that I can put this theory out, and state that Falcom has been hiding something big under our noses this whole time.

There are, of course, endgame spoilers for the entire Crossbell duology in this theory. Be warned! (There is also a Cold Steel 2 spoiler in here, because it involves a topic that’s difficult to talk about without referencing others related to the topic.)

Continue reading Wald Wales: Beyond Ao no Kiseki