Observations on the Black History and the mysteries of Erebonia

Gu4n has already done an excellent job summarizing the Black History and the possible nature of the remaining Sept-Terion so I won’t go over the general material again (here at any rate). Instead I’d like to offer my own thoughts on the two treasures found within Erebonia and some of the other mysteries that have been presented to us.

Continue reading Observations on the Black History and the mysteries of Erebonia

What happened during the Great Collapse

Sora no Kiseki FC Evo, Chapter 4

For an event as major as the Great Collapse, there is hardly anything we know about this historical catastrophe. We know it marked the end of the Ancient Zemurian Civilisation, which in its entirety disappeared without a trace bar from ruins throughout Liberl and in Grancel’s museum, and plunged the world into five centuries of Dark Ages. A whole continent, split in seven factions, collapsing at approximately the same time. Virtually everything we know about it comes from Sora no Kiseki; both the Crossbell and Erebonia arc hardly contributed to our understanding of the Great Collapse. So, what happened? Continue reading What happened during the Great Collapse

[Admin] New Game Title Tags Added

Well, someone did it. It took one day for Yotaka someone to link in Tokyo Xanadu into a theory. Am I surprised?

Not at all. Not with some of the things I’ve heard as well.

Since it’s also in the recent post by Yotaka, I’ve added a link to Nayuta no Kiseki as well. If more theories for them pop up, they will be accessible from the ‘series title’ page.

Enjoy the crack!