Oh boy, I love answering questions on my theories. That basically forces me to re-evaluate them, and that’s how you test them! So thank you for the submission!
Today’s question comes from Neko_Isabelle!
As this plays along a theory that pulls in info from other games, this will contain multiple series spoilers.
The question and my answer are both under the cut!
I’m still not entirely sure of whether or not Rean will be the main character of the upcoming Sen no Kiseki III, but there’s no ignoring the fact that he’ll absolutely be in the game. Especially after the little reveal from the Tokyo Xanadu eX+ trailer.
From Twitter: https://twitter.com/hitujine/status/763245414166384640
However, Rean’s position in Sen III is in the air! Finish Sen II/Cold Steel II to find out why people are confused! Kondo promised a gamechanger, and that’s what Falcom delivered.
As a result, if you haven’t finished the game, please do not continue beyond the cut, for this is dangerous, spoiler-filled territory!
Quick update to tell you that Trails in the Sky the 3rd has been announced by XSEED Games. As a result, the “Sora no Kiseki the 3rd” tag has been changed to reflect the English title!
Well, someone did it. It took one day for Yotaka someone to link in Tokyo Xanadu into a theory. Am I surprised?
Not at all. Not with some of the things I’ve heard as well.
Since it’s also in the recent post by Yotaka, I’ve added a link to Nayuta no Kiseki as well. If more theories for them pop up, they will be accessible from the ‘series title’ page.