Sen no Kiseki IV‘s collectable book series is called Three and Nine. It’s partially foreshadowing and world-building Calvard, it’s also partially filling in the blanks on aspects the main game couldn’t address. I tweeted that I found it the most fascinating book since Carnelia and here is why: I think it details the Fourth Anguis.
All posts by Gu4n
Rean’s lineage revealed
Baidu user 白龙圣骑士SK wrote a compelling theory on the lineage of Rean Schwarzer. It’s a schoolbook example of a theory, thought-provoking and built on in-game evidence.
Awaken Aurum: Alternative
Almost ten months have passed since the long-awaited Sen no Kiseki III hit Japanese shelves, but I have yet to formulate my theory based on the conundrum everyone immediately addresses — other than the one whether ‘he’ survived. Unconvinced by any of the theories so far, including my own, I will share my thoughts on the matter. Continue reading Awaken Aurum: Alternative
Rufus’ suspicion
The following theory is based on post 5chan post. And it is rock solid.
Pappa Armbrust
As we’re approaching the end of the Sen no Kiseki quadrology, we’ve learnt pretty much all there is to learn about Class VII’s members and their families. We know about the unfortunate deaths or convoluted circumstances of many of their family members. What about Crow’s parents? Are they really just ‘dead’? Continue reading Pappa Armbrust
Digging Out the Gnomes
And Here’s To You, Mrs. Arseid: A Second Attempt
There is one woman throughout the entire Sen series that has been eerily absent. She has been the subject of an earlier theory of mine, but Sen no Kiseki III rendered it fairly impossible to work out — either that, or they missed out on some great opportunities to reveal it. Assuming it was broken, I would like to make another attempt: Mother of Laura S. Arseid, where art thou?
Continue reading And Here’s To You, Mrs. Arseid: A Second Attempt
The Walking Undead
Erebonia’s Black History, Volume 2
In Erebonia, the present continues to be haunted by the past. Shocking events repeat themselves beyond memories of citizens. The Black Records records these forgotten moments of history. In addition to the previously published five volumes in Trails of Cold Steel II, Sen no Kiseki III introduces seven more, each intriguing in its own way.
Kerykeion: The Key to Resurrection
Resurrection has been a hypothetical possibility in the Kiseki series since The 3rd. Now, that possibility seems more likely than ever. But what’s the secret behind it?