The best hidden yet most informative book series in the Kiseki series to date: Black History. Only obtainable during a second or later playthroughs of Sen no Kiseki II, the book series chronicles major events of Erebonia and apparently reveals more than the imperial authorities would like you to know. A translation.
Tag Archives: Trails of Cold Steel
Two down, five to go: the remaining Sept-Terrion

Theory is mostly broken, but one part has been proven thanks to Sen no Kiseki III. Details of the break/proven are behind the cut, due to spoilers.
As of Sen II, players have dealt with two of them, know the location of two other, and have three more to look forward to. A brief theory regarding the unrevealed Sept-Terrion. Continue reading Two down, five to go: the remaining Sept-Terrion
The Fifth Anguis
An argument regarding the identity of the Fifth Anguis of Ouroboros.
Post-Collapse Zemuria: Delusion of a Thousand Years
This delicious crack theory suggests that everything we think we know about Zemuria may be false. What if everything since the Great Collapse has been the mere execution of a plan that was drafted prior to the Collapse, which served as a catalyst?
Continue reading Post-Collapse Zemuria: Delusion of a Thousand Years