Mikhail is the son of General Morgan

One of the many unfinished story arc in the Kiseki series is the one about Rianne, the granddaughter of General Morgan and Katrina who lives with them. Neither Morgan nor Katrina mention a word about their son…

Until The 3rd, that is. Moon Door 2 is primarily centred around the meeting between Scherazard and Aina, but the whole episode set in S.1197 is a goldmine for Kiseki lore: you can meet the young Dorothy before she wore glasses and discover that Jenis students Anton and Ricky have barely changed over time.

In the house next to the Grancel Cathedral, we see Katrina getting annoyed over her husband’s late return from the Haken Gate and the maid Dalia anxious over what is taking place upstairs. There we find Morgan’s son, Irving — unmentioned in the series until that point and confirmed as his son by the Sora no Kiseki The 3rd Special Collection Book II Re-Edit version — supporting his bedridden, blue-haired wife Rachel through the final stages of her pregnancy. Skip five Septian years forward and we find a blue-haired girl named Rianne living with her grandparents, Morgan and Katrina, in Grancel.

Now, today we are presented with Major Mikhail, chief instructors at the Reeves Campus of Thors Military Academy, elite among the Railway Military Police and… bearer of the name Mikhail Irving. Now, whereas there is no concrete evidence to link the Irving-the-son-of-Morgan and Irving-the-Major together, the situation around Rianne makes it evident that her parents are not a topic of conversation for Morgan and Katrina.

Imagine General Morgan discovering that his own son has sided with — or was handpicked as an Ironblood by — Chancellor Osborne.

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