l link Devils, Genesis, and the Sept-Terrion to death. -Hellseye47
Category Archives: Theories
All theories. Any theories that are not in the Submitted Theories category were written by the site’s authors.
Awaken O’ Great Evil
Falcom is pretty consistent with their theater-esque parallel two-act structure they like to use in kiseki games. At the end of every first ‘act’, Falcom introduces some concept or jargon that is relatively meaningless to the main conflict of that act, but will be important in the sequel. This is usually related to the Sept-Terrion of the arc i.e. the barrier system for the Aureole or the rivalry and stage needed to reform the Great One. In Kuro no Kiseki, this is the 5 Demon Lords which lead the 77 Devils.
Who the Hell is Gray Arnold
One of the Hallmarks of the Trails series of video games is its diverse and dynamic cast of NPCs that help the world feel vibrant and alive. Kuro no Kiseki is no exception to this rule with plenty of interesting and charming NPCs such as the eccentric taco stand girl, the train man, or the bathhouse investment consultant. Most of the time, this dialog is relatively meaningless in the grand scheme, but occasionally there will be characters that seem to be more than they initially let on.
SicenGamble’s Kuro No Kiseki Character Predictions
A series of character predictions by the Falcord user Sicengamble. Not a traditional theory post, but not completely unprecedented either, especially as a fun one just before launch. So without further ado, the list:
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Agnes and Agnes, Witches vs. Magicians, And What’s in store for Kuro?
Rifleman delves into the truths hidden within the series’ short stories and argues there might be a bigger connection between Agnes and Agnes than just visuals. – Hellseye47
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Yotaka’s kuro no kiseki predictions
A new year, a new game and time for a new round of predictions with the added bonus that Kuro is basically terra incognita compared to all the other games that have come out since this site got started.
Continue reading Yotaka’s kuro no kiseki predictionsKiseki Cracklet – The King is the Key
This is going to be another short(er) theory that I want to get out before Kuro potentially upends all our assumptions… again. In it, I propose how McBurn came to Zemuria and how this relates to one of the most significant events of the backstory.
Continue reading Kiseki Cracklet – The King is the KeyHidden in Plain Sight
The core of this theory concerns the identity and origins of one of the members of Almata. After establishing this character’s true identity I attempt to expand the theory by examining other characters for potential connections.
Barkhorning up the wrong tree- Latte’s Kuro predictions
I’m submitting early to: A) break the drought, and B) spread out the theories in the lead up to Kuro No Kiseki. I’ll probably be wrong but here’s the Latte forecast for the events to come…
Continue reading Barkhorning up the wrong tree- Latte’s Kuro predictions
The Imagination – Hellseye’s Kuro no Kiseki Predictions
Well, the game is about to come out so it’s time to give our predictions. I’ve written a very generalized prediction for the Calvard arc called Land of Lies; however now that we have seen (essentially) all the pre-release material and the game is about to come out, I can make more specific predictions about the narrative, character, themes, etc.
Continue reading The Imagination – Hellseye’s Kuro no Kiseki Predictions